06 de Octubre de 2020

[Open conference Executive MBA UTA] Digital Transformation and CryptoAssets - Sponsor MBA Weekend FEN UChile

Datos del evento
Fecha de inicio 13 de Octubre de 2020 | 20:00 hrs.
Fecha de término 13 de Octubre de 2020 | 21:00 hrs.
Dirección Webex Events: the access link will be sent one hour before the event
Cupos Cupos ilimitados.
Speaker: José Rosas CEO at BLOQS4. Presents: Leslier Valenzuela Academic Director MBA Weekend, FEN UChile. Moderates: Alejandra Haddad Alumni Network FEN UChile. THE LINK TO ACCESS THE TRANSMISSION ON THE WEBEX EVENTS PLATFORM WILL BE SENT TO THOSE REGISTERED BY EMAIL, ONE HOUR BEFORE THE BEGGINING OF THE CONFERENCE. Free conference, prior registration in the form.